Trans Resources and Services in the Greater Toronto Area
Extracted from “Selected Transgender Related Services in Toronto Diocese”
Rev. M. Rodrigues, Honorary Assistant
St. John’s West Toronto Anglican Church
Interim Revision: October, 2021

Transgender Programs
Sherbourne Health
Sherbourne Health offers a wide range of supportive LGBT2SQ networks and groups. Select virtual groups as of October 2021 include Mature Trans Sisters; SOY groups for youth aged 14-29; Newcomers to Canada
333 Sherbourne Street, Toronto, ON M5A 2S5 416-324-4100
The 519
The 519 is committed to the health, happiness and full participation of the LGBTQ2S community. Trans-related programs and services as of October 2021 include: Classes for Confidence, Bold Beauty; FTM, Transmasc & Non-binary Support Group; Friendly Check-In Over the Phone for Racialized and Trans Folk of Colour; Meal Trans; Senior Pride Network, Trans Conversation Cafe; Trans Youth Mentorship; Transition Support; Trans-People of Colour Project; Virtual Tax Clinic; Virtual Trans ID Clinic
519 Church Street, Toronto, ON M4Y 2C9 416-392-6878
Specialized Medical Care
Hassle Free Clinic
Services to trans individuals include free sexual health, medical and counseling services through the Men/Trans, and Women/Trans clinics.
66 Gerard Street East, 2nd Floor, Toronto, ON M5B 1G3 416-922-0566
Sherbourne Health Trans Health Care (above)
Sherbourne’s focus on LGBT2SQ people has resulted in the Centre having a larger than average population of trans clients. Trans and non-binary health programs and resources include transition-related surgery planning and referrals; transition related care and acute respite care (ARC) program; urban health care services.
Women’s College Hospital: Transition-Related Surgeries
WCH has partnered with Sherbourne Health, Rainbow Health Ontario (RHO), and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), along with a group of committed individuals from the community, to form the Trans Health Expansion Partnership (THEx). THEx supports the expansion of health services for trans individuals and communities across Ontario. Under the umbrella of THEx, the Transition Related Surgeries Subcommitee led by WCH is charged with the responsibility of creating an accessible and quality surgical program. The program represents the first public hospital-based surgical program in Canada focused on providing safe and timely access to transition-related surgical care.
76 Grenville Street, Toronto, ON M5S 1B2 416-323-6148
Emergency/Crisis Medical Care
Gerstein Crisis Centre
Crisis services include 24/7 telephone support in over 180 languages, in-person mobile crisis team, substance abuse crisis management, follow-up and access to short term crisis beds. All services are free and confidential. The crisis intervention line is
LGBT Youth Line
Youth Line is a toll-free Ontario-wide peer support phone line for 2SLGBTQ+ youth. It offers confidential and non-judgemental peer support through telephone, text and chat services. Get in touch with a peer support volunteer from Sunday to Friday, 4:00 PM to 9:30 PM.
1-800-268-9688 Text: 647-694-4275
Mt. Sinai Hospital
St. Joseph’s Health Centre
Trans Lifeline Peer Support Hotline
A peer support service run by and for trans people, divested from the police, for trans and questioning callers, including those in crisis. It connects trans people to the community support and resources they need to survive and thrive. Operators are located all over Canada and the US.
1-877-330-6366 (Canada) or 1-877-565-8860 (US)
Gay-Straight Alliances (Gender & Sexuality Alliances)
A Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) is a student-initiated and student-run student club. GSAs provide a safe, supportive environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, two-spirit, queer, questioning (LGBT2Q) and straight ally youth to meet and discuss sexual orientation and gender identity issues. Together they work to create a school environment free of discrimination, harassment, and intolerance. While each GSA is unique, there is never an expectation that students disclose their sexual or gender identity. In Ontario, every student has a right to a GSA in their school and school boards are required to support students in establishing GSAs. Not all high schools have a GSA as yet, although many already do. For more information, please contact your local school board. In Toronto, please contact the Toronto District School Board at
Advocacy, Education & Research Organizations
Egale Canada
Egale works to improve the lives of 2SLGBTQI people in Canada and to enhance the global response to 2SLGBTQI issues. Egale will achieve this by informing public policy; inspiring cultural change; and promoting human rights and inclusion through research, education, awareness and legal advocacy.
120 Carlton Street, Toronto, ON M5A 4K2 416-964-7887; 1-888-204-7777
Egale Youth Services: Friends of Ruby Drop-In Youth Centre
Provides affirming, supportive, appropriate mental health care to 2SLGBTQI youth 16 to 29. Services include individual conselling; suicide prevention, intervention, and post vention care; same-day crisis counselling; homelessness and housing supports; drop-in space up to age 29, providing meals and basic necessities.
489 Queen Street East Toronto, ON M5A 1V1.
Glad Day Bookshop
Serving the queer community since 1970, Glad Day is now the oldest LGBTQ bookstore in the world. It specializes in offering the widest possible selection of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans literature, both in and out of print, as well as DVDs, magazines and novelties. It has a coffee shop, event space and a fair trade restaurant and bar, and is a neighbourhood meeting place.
499 Church Street, Toronto, ON M4Y 2C6 416-901-6600
Pflag Canada is proud to be Canada’s only national organization that offers peer-to-peer support striving to help all Canadians with issues of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. They support, educate and provide resources to anyone with questions or concerns. They promise to offer local, practical and emotional peer-to-peer family support for individuals and their loved ones challenged by gender/sexual identity. Please find your local chapter on line.
Rainbow Faith and Freedom
A global movement that confronts religious-based LGBTI discrimination and improves the human and equality rights of LGBTI people everywhere.
473 Church Street #327, Toronto, ON M4Y 2C5
Rainbow Health Ontario
Rainbow Health Ontario (RHO) is a province-wide program of Sherbourne Health that creates opportunities for the healthcare system to better serve LGBT2SQ communities. RHO offers training for healthcare providers across the province to feel more clinically and culturally competent in caring for their LGBT2SQ service users. RHO also supports system change by producing evidence-based print and web resources.
333 Sherbourne Street, Toronto, ON M5A 2S5
Salaam Canada
Salaam Canada is a volunteer-run national organization dedicated to creating space for people who identify as both Muslim and queer and trans. It offers supports and programs for those in the queer/trans Muslim community and advocates for social justice for members of this community. Salaam also provides refugee and settlement support in collaboration with The 519.
Senior Pride Network (Toronto)
The SPN is an association of individuals and organizations committed to promoting appropriate services and a positive, caring environment for elders, seniors and older persons who identify as 2 Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, queer, intersex and other (2SLGBTTQI+). Because of the diversity of 2SLGBTTQI+ elders, seniors and older persons and their life experiences, the SPN advocates on their behalf, adopting an intersectional, anti-oppression and equity-seeking approach.
The ArQuives (formerly Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives)
The ArQuives is the largest independent LGBTQ2+ Archives in the world. Its mandate is to: Acquire, preserve , organize and give public access to information and materials in any medium, by and about LGBTQ2+ people, primarily produced in, or concerning Canada, including a collection of queer and trans periodicals.
Street address: 34 Isabella Street, Toronto, ON M4Y 1N1 416-777-2755
Toronto District School Board: Gender-Based Violence Office
This office works to promote healthy relationships and safe environments in schools. The office strives to prevent and address gender-based violence, homophobia, sexual harassment, and inappropriate behaviour by students towards other students in schools. It also implements violence prevention programs and plans throughout the Board.
trans PULSE
The Trans Pulse Canada team is a majority-trans group of community and academic researchers from across Canada. Together they bring more that 180 person-years of experience on more than 80 community based research studies.